Monday 29 April 2013


Gosh - I nearly forgot my entry for the literary challenge over at THE HOUSE OF BEARS - April Book Challenge. This month the book concerned is "Little Women"  by Louisa May Alcott, and the Bears were kind enough to give us a list of quotes from the book to use as our inspiration.

I have done a bit of dark humour using one of my digis, I loving call 'ERIC' and I am sure he is definitely in need of a little woman.....bwaahahahahaha !!!!!

I thought this quote from The Bears choices was pretty apt for the look on his face :-D 
I made him a hand embossed 'brain' background for inside the card and smurged it with red,pink,  green and black inks to make it look 'brainy'.

Well - that's it... I'm off now for coffee.
Byeeeee xxxx

Challenges I am entering:

Craft Your Passion Challenge #160 - Well Read.... add text
Crafty Boots Challenges - Use a Character


  1. Loving Eric and that brain background! Brilliant and funny!

  2. Oh my, this really made us chuckle, we absolutely LOVE your alternative take on this, it's fab fab fab. This is the quote we've used for the bears piecetjis month, but we think we prefer your interpretation. Thanks for joining us this month.

  3. lmao, perfect sentiment for him, I love the look on his face, poor bugga ;)

  4. ROFL you really have a twisted sense of humor! Love this take. I would never have imagined this to go with the book Little women... ;)

    Totally impressed btw with the brain you have done!!!! AWESOME

  5. Wow! I love how different this card is! Great job!!! ~ Valerie, PND DT

  6. ha ha ha ha... DEFINITELY a twist on Little Women... Love it! Thanks for playing at Craft Your Passion this week!

  7. This is quite an interesting card!... =) Love embossed brain background... TFS with us at The Paper Nest Dolls challenge.... xo Nikki ox

  8. You have the most amazing imagination, the embossed brain idea is inspired!

  9. Oh Ike . . .you crack me up! xxx

  10. Your card has great originality and amazing imagination. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  11. Not exactly what I'd expect based on Little Women but then it shouldn't surprise me that this is the turn you'd take. I really like the brain embossed inside of the card. So creative!

  12. Oh Ike I do love your humour! this is bloomin brilliant :D xxx

  13. Wow, what a fab card! Thanks for joining us at CYP! Hugsxx

  14. Fantastic. Ali x
