Wednesday 13 February 2013


Here's something a little more like me .......... snort !!!
I followed this sketch...

Using "Cool Cat" from BUGABOO, I made this ..................................

Studded leather from Web
Denim: Miss Mint-Little Buckaroo from Peppermint Creative 
Skull Chain: 'Rosie's Dream' from Scrap with Lynn
Senti I made myself.

Challenges I am entering:

Forever Night Challenge #64 - Use a Sketch/Anything Goes


  1. This is hilarious, we liked the cute one you made but love this,

  2. hahahaha Ike love this!!!!! its great hugs Sue J xxx

  3. Bahahahaha I love love love it..what a personality kitty:) awesome art as always Ike
    susan s

  4. hahaha, you have quite the sense of humor... I love your cards, they are so unique... thanks for purchasing my digitals!!! You have no idea how grateful I am, Lisa was sweet to contact you to get vital information that I needed, the relief is unspeakable, I have been working on my site for 3 months and finally got it fixed just days ago..thank you for confirming the payment process. I would like you to go and choose 2 more digitals that you really like (free of course) and email me with your options. I am doing this as a BIG thank you!!! My email address is Hugs

  5. Hee, Hee, Hee. Now there is the Ike we all know and love.

  6. Bwahahaha awesome! I just love the senti you have used on that piece :D
