Wednesday 23 January 2013


Here I have made a Tag for Dragon's Dream TAG IT ON and this fortnight is Trace's dream.
So this weeks recipe, which has to be on a tag and use at least one real stamp is:  Dress to impress.
The three ingredients are : a dress or dress form, embossed impression and some bling.

Here is my Tag..........

I used a large Tag and covered it with some dress pattern instructions paper, and pleated the side a bit. My Dress Form and Edwardian Lady I bought as die cuts from my good friend Linda Lapotka at Scrapcat Cards by Linda. She has a little Shop in there where she sells pre-cut die cuts using her Cricut machine. I bought lots of snowflakes last year.. go see her if you don't have a machine coz she's got loads of different things for you :-) The tape measure across the middle is made using a new stamp I got recently. I heat embossed by dress form using Stayzon and Gold embossing powder.
Piece of ribbon  and very 'blingy' edging stuff (what they sew on the priests robes here) from my stash. Mt stick pin is made from an old brooch, 2 gold leaves and some clear beads. I think that's enough bling :-D

Challenges I am entering:


  1. Fabulous tAg very pretty. Love what you did to the dress form. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous tag at dragons dream tio

  2. That's really a fabulous tag with wonderful details. Thanks for dreaming with us at Dragons Dream TIO this fortnight.

  3. Gorgeous tag and that bling is fab! Thanks for sharing with us at Dragons Dream TIO. Elizabeth x

  4. Wow that is one beautiful tag IKE, Thanks for the shout out. You are so kind. Hugs, Linda

  5. Love love love this! I think it's great the way things overlap the tag edge. SUPER! xxx

  6. oh wow love the tag!! it's beautiful

  7. Stunning tag, Love all the detail & beautiful elements... Love the dressform!! Thank you for dreaming with us at Dragons Dream... May x x x

  8. Ike,
    This is a most beautiful Tag!! would you have a problem if I showed it off at TCC, cuz you used a Hat Pin and I am going to be doing that Hap Pin swap and Jacqy asked what are they used for? Do you mind? Let me know soon of you can. Or if you want to post it your self please post it under the regular "Swap group" forum. Here is is the link:
    Thank you Ike.

    1. Oooh YES of course,.... I want to join the Hat Pin Swap thingy too :-) xxxxx

  9. Ike, Your tag is gorgeous! I love it! Love the hat pin and and brooch you used. Love the gold trim. I really like the Edwardian lady. Great job. Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

  10. What a very pretty tag, your hat pin is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Dragons Dream, TIO. Sue xx

  11. Oh, so pretty! I love all the gold dress! Thanks for sharing the dream at TIO.

  12. A great tag and pretty colours!thanks for dreaming with us at TIO trace x

  13. Really pretty tag! Thank you for sharing xxxKeren
