Monday 8 October 2012


Me again - well it is Monday and you know you get me at least twice ...snort !!
Today for Macabre Monday over at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE we are doing "Bats in the Belfry". Your task is to create a dark, Gothic or Halloween based project that has something to do with Bats. Think belfries, church steeples and all round general battiness !! 
Today, I have made a 3D Batty earring using one of the Bats from "A little Bit Batty" set by Smeared Ink.
I fussy cut him in 5 layers and then stuck him with silicone and dipped him in my melting pot. I had already attached a piece of wire, so I then threaded him up some beads and added an earring hook. Voila !!
Sorry the picture is a bit smeggy, I tried several times, but this is the best I got until the new camera comes. 

I hope you will pop over and see what my Minion chums have created... there are some mindblowing creations to see !!!! Hopefully you might get the urge to play along with us.... you must have a few bats somewhere ??!!!

Challenges I am entering :


  1. Gorgeous, deary! and that's some classy earring stand you've got goin' on. Fabulous! xxD

  2. Those hands you make freak me out. So i guess that means they are very awesome. Lol. Great jon

  3. great idea and it looks brilliant. best dressed ears on halloween im guessing x

  4. I love your batty earring and that hand is just amazing, looks like it came straight out of a crypt! Thank you for your lovely comment on my graveyard piece. Much appreciated. Anne x

  5. Awesome creepy hand! and hold a bat how cool! Love this piece!
