Wednesday 1 August 2012


Me again,
I have made a card for my Daughter's birthday next week... at least I remembered to get it posted on time... snort !! The postal service from here is bad enough any way, without me being late. I made one with an Alice tag I made a while ago and used some Tempus Fugit paper for the backing. Actually it made me a bit queazy looking at it so I hope it doesn't do it to her LoL
The Alice and the Cheshire are my own digis and the other bits are from my stash and the Web :-)  I made a few tags a while back and I didn't know exactly what to do with them after, but they are great for making a quickie card eh ?!  Inside I used the Alice image just straight on the TF backing and did a message in fancy font :-)

Challenges I am entering:

Dragons Dream - TIO  121 - Alice & The Rabbit Situation


  1. Ike this tag is awesome and I love your Alice and Cheshire Digi's they are cool. Your daughter will love it(and if she doesn't she can send it to me lol) Thanks for sharing at Dragons dream Tio

  2. Cool!

    Happy Birthday wishes to your daughter next week xxx

  3. What a cute Alice! I just love this tag and how you laid it out as well, great job!

  4. Love your tag! Love your card! What a great idea!

  5. Great tag.. love alice & cheshire cat digi's..great background.. Thank for dreaming with us at TIO.. May x

  6. The background made my eyes go a bit funny, but I think it is very effective, great tag. Francesca

  7. This is freaking BRILLIANT!!!!!!! love it x

  8. Great tag Ike I love it! I love Alice <3
    Thanks for your congrats too.
    Laura xx

  9. So awesome and so perfect! Love it!

  10. A fabulous tag, love the coloring of the cat. Thanks for dreaming with us at TIO this fortnight.

  11. Fantastic tag I love it. Be sure to check out the new theme this Wednesday!! Thanks for sharing with us at Dragons Dream. Elizabeth x

  12. This is brilliant, I love that backing - perfect for your tag. Thanks so much for sharing at TIO, and I hope to see you again next time x

  13. Really like your tag!! It's like looking in one of those mirrors at the fun fair - you're not quite sure about what you're seeing because you know how it should look!! (if you know what I mean. . . !).
