Wednesday 25 July 2012


Oh - and I'm going to put this in too.... wot I made yesterday !!!!  It's not exactly a card but it's one of a range of little altered boxes I have done this week....... I'm having a pretty, pretty session.... snort !!!!!

Rudolph Day 2nd entry at STAMPING FOR PLEASURE

Sorry about the cellophane baggy but I'd already wrapped it up and then thought about photographing it !!!

You know - I'm only lulling her(Sarn) into a false sense of security before I hit her with the Slasher Santa or Zombie Chrimbo Fairy.... bwaahahahahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I wondered when the ALTERNATIVE Santa and Chrimbo Fairy would turn up! LOL! Phew, I was beginning to think there was an imposter on your blog.

    Anyhoo, I digress . . . WOW - this is a really pretty box Ike. You certainly have been having a "pretty pretty" week.

    Thanks for joinining in with my challenge with a second entry. Good luck in the draw.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx
