Friday 22 June 2012


Hi there,
Congratulations to the Winner and Top 3 of our "Pretty Creepy" Challenge last week. :-D 
This week over at SMUDGY ANTICS our Challenge is called "Full Moon Madness" and we want you to create a dark, creepy or Gothic piece based on this theme... werewolves.. full moons.. whatever lifts your skirt !.

Now, you don't need to make a card - you can do art journal pages, scrapbooks, ATCs, Tags, whatever your little heart desires. Just remember to use a stamped image somewhere on your project and follow the Rules listed on the left side bar at SMUDGY ANTICS to qualify for the Top 3 or Winner badge :-D

My offering this week is a tag.

My images are both from the "Part of The Pack" Set by SMEARED INK.
Moon image from the Web.

For inspiration - check out the projects from my Smeared Ink DT buddies over at SMUDGY ANTICS, and I hope you will come play along  :-D 
I am also putting this on Schedule, so I really hope this all works :-D 


  1. Ike,
    This tag is perfect! Your so creative! Full moon party and you have ticket, fabo girly!

  2. Love this..the images are wonderful and the way you made this is awesome..i love it.The admit one seals the deal.
    susan s.
