Monday 26 March 2012


Happy Monday Everyone,
This week at SMUDGY ANTICS our Challenge is 'Touch Me' - all about textures.
I have got loads of stuff on here and this piece is A3. I started with plain white and then I sewed a piece of geometric wrapping paper onto it. Would you believe I have had this piece of paper for about 20 years or more ?!!!! It's very 70's but you can't see much of it now. I wanted to make my piece go for the Rock n Rolla Challenge over at Smeared & Smudged Forum too, so that's why I have gone 70's. The song is a modern up version of Nancy Sinatra singing "Shot Me Down". It's by Audio Bullys. Hence, the retro paper. The image with the curly hair and big eyes is a picture I did in 1979 ..... snort... that I then turned into a screen print. LoL I stitched a piece of string round it which I dipped the end in red ink. I think this is sorta like a touch fuse !! Not sure. I have a cloth label up on the right there and a tiny metal gun charm hanging on a chain. My skully in the top left was made using Terra's Toilet Paper Forms from Class 3 of the Mixed Media University at Smeared & Smudged Forum . It's the only piece I managed to get to look half decent. !!! He has a sprig of tin foil leaves. My Smeared Ink images are Glam Vamp, the big Skull in the middle, and the SI logo which I printed on top of the lyrics from the song. On top of that is a pattern on some acetate. I made a ribbon rose at the bottom held with giant safety pins.
Well, I got plenty of textures and mediums on there but although this started out OK, I think it kinda lost it's way somewhere along the road and I'm not sure I like it now. It doesn't quite work for me. !!! :-( 

Having said that - I really hope you will come over and play along with us this week. It's a lovely theme and I'm sure you can have great fun producing something slightly dark and Haloweeny ??!!! 


  1. Wow - that's INSANE. I'm sure this says a lot about you! LOL! xxx

  2. FAB collage Ike..... love all the different elements in this and that flower is to die for :)

  3. I love it! It is chaotic and energetic and I see more and more details every time I look at it! The stitching totally rocks and makes me wish I had a sewing machine. I love how the swirly doodles/paper makes the skull have bright eyes...makes me smile :)

  4. I'm looking and looking and keep coming up with somewhere else to look again!! It's amazing Ike and I love it!!!

  5. WOw all kinds of goodness to look at. I think I'm still finding something new. That is awesome Ike as usual. what a great use of technique's. you rule
