Monday 19 March 2012


Hi again,
I've had a fabbo day today working in the garden. The sun was glorious and I've been moving stuff around... with the help/hindrance of some of the Chooks !!!! :-D Everywhere I put things in - they dug them up LoL
Anyhoo - now I am beginning to ache and my arthritic hands are pretty much screaming - so, swallow the old meds and a bit of gentle crafting this evening.
I just done this little whimsy for you - to take the edge off the scary stuff :-D - I found this new Blog through Melonheadz 'cos they is friends. :-D  The site is CRAFTING BELLA LOCKWOOD and her owner, Sebastian Lockwood, of course. ! Well, she is having her first Challenge and is giving away this cutsey little Frog Cupcake with which to enter :-) You know me - I couldn't do anything 'normal' with it, so have put it with GoofBug from by Nate Owens at Squigglefly and my backing papers are a Freebie pack called 'Lucky You' set from LeeLou.

Challenges I am entering:
Bella Lockwood Challenge No. 1
Lia Stampz Challenge 13 - Anything Goes + a Sentiment
The Craft Garden - March Inspiration Challenge (I went for colours)
Cupcake Inspirations No.152 - Photo Inspiration
The Sweetest Thing - Sweet Sunday Sketch Challenge 154


  1. very cute frog...thnak for sharing at cupcake inspirations

    sweetie dt

  2. that frog is cute, funny card love it

  3. A great fun card, Thanks for joining in with us at The Craft Garden this month, good luck.
    Kevin xx

  4. What a cute card. Thanks for playing along at The Craft garden this month.

  5. interesting card. i love all the green. thanks for playing with us this fortnight at liastampz.

  6. Haha! So very cute! Thank you for playing at Lia Stampz. Hope to see you again soon!
    LS DT
