Thursday 26 January 2012


Hello again,  and welcome to RUDOLPH DAY 2 LoL  How could I resist messing in pretty, pretty land with a semi - gory Chrimbo card ???? Hmmm ?? Well - I couldn't.  My friend made a comment about me having to have a lie down after my first Rudolph Day creation, so I guess she will, after I slap this baby on her Blog Challenge. Bwaaahahahahaha.  Her Blog is called STAMPING FOR PLEASURE

I have used "Serial Killer Santa" and his "Sack" from Smeared Ink and the corner peeping Dog is my own digi from a set of Christmas Corner dogs I did :-D

Come on now - rush over and join in and you could be getting your Chrimbo cards done at the same time as maybe winning a prize :-D :-D xxxx


  1. I ran in to see what you'd made . . . and then fainted . . . .

    Glad to see YOU'RE back to normal though! Was worried about you! LOL! Only a lie down needed FOR ME today!

    Thanks for joining in . . . and GOOD LUCK! xxx
