Monday 23 January 2012


Hello and welcome to MACABRE MONDAY HDH117 over at HAUNTED DESIGN HOUSE. The Theme this week is Use a Map. Just think of all the wondrously dark and creepy things you could do with a map ?!!!
For my creation I have used an old map of Transylvannia as my background and on top of that I have used one of my own digis  - 'Inside'.   I have coloured him digitally and layered him onto my map in PSE9. I added some bats flying out of the hole.

I do hope you will come over and join in with us this week You are to create a dark, Gothic or Halloween based project that must include a MAP. Big or small, background or main focus.... let's Get Lost in HDH-land !! :-D 
See you there ...............maybe......if I don't get lost...hahahahahaha            :-D

Challenges I am entering:
Craft Your Passion Challenge 94 - Colour Bingo... Black, Red + Teal


  1. OMG!!! this FANTASTIC!!!! pity you can't enter the challenge cos this is defo the winner!

  2. This is it!
    xoxo Marjo

  3. BRAVO, Ike! Great work!
    Good luck!

  4. OMG- this is amazing !!! Thank so much for playing with craftyourpassionchallenges - hugs Joanna

  5. Wow, very freaky! Thanks for playing along with Craft Your Passion's colour challenge!
