Wednesday 12 October 2011


Here I am again at Day 12 and I feel very strange today.... sort of electric/zingy/nervousness like I have forgotten something really important or something bad is about to happen !!  I know it's still a bit stormy here but I dunno !!! 
Anyhow, I really hope you are following along with the Wicked Bloggers for this Halloween extravaganza by Smeared & Smudged. ?!!  If you need the list of Bloggers, it's here--------------------------------------------->>>>>
I am also a Horrifying Hopper and I have been seeing some awesome creations out there... you simply MUST visit and take a look :-)
Well, today I have made something especially for Susan over at Pieces of Fate, because she has been plagued the last few days by the Fly from Hell !!!! So, I have made a spider who will leap over there and munch it up for her :-)

I photographed him and then put the photo of him onto a lovely Free backing paper I got last month, but unfortunately I can't remember where I got it from.... sorry !!!  I will try to find out :-(
I have given him a drop shadow to make it like he's just danglin' there :-D  He is made from a styrofoam ball with wire legs and is covered with paper mache. I have stuck on 8 assorted googly eyes and painted a big grin to make him less scary !!  I have made one of these before about 2 years ago and he was bought by a couple who took him back to France. I must admit that the Greeks were really un-nerved by him LoL.  My friend makes the most amazing little clay Boots and she has promised to make me some for him at some point in the future. :-D


  1. I love him! He looks so sweet!:)

  2. Ike... He is awesome!! I love him! I think he would look really awesome in our house with the rest of the Halloween goodies!!! I wish I knew how to do paper mache... I think I will need to put that on my list of things to learn!!! You did an amazing job on him!!!!

  3. What a friendly little fellow. With that huge smile who wouldn't invite him in to ! You'll have to show us when he gets his boots :)

  4. COOL project, and so smooth, you are good at paper mache! I can't wait to see him in his boots!
    Thanks for killing the fly spidey!!

    Love that smile Ike, I can in my mind see him with a cap off slightly to one side (because of his eyes) and the boots. Or perhaps not a cap, but a top hat! LOL

  5. I'm glad he has sorted out Susan fly. He is so cool I love him you must put a pic up of him with his boots on
    Luv Jane xxx

  6. I hate spiders, but I love this one

  7. Cute, cute spidey! and I love the shadow effect you made on the backing paper. So nice of you to take care of others' strange and creepy insects! Perhaps you're channeling an exterminator.

  8. aww great job! i love the muliple eyes you gave him! and his happy little smile! too cute!

  9. What an awesome project, Im Susan will appreciate it LOL!

  10. What a fun ornament! Love the spider webs in the background!

  11. OMG!!!! He's such a cutie! I got the same paper, but I don't remember either. OOOps! xxD

  12. He is FAB!!!! and the gorgeous paper is from Bearly Mine :)
