Monday 10 October 2011


Hello Lovely Peeps,
I have two projects for you today. The first one is my DT creation for this week's Challenge over at Smudgy Antics - 'Black Birds'.
I have made a double Z card and used a new image from Smeared Ink - Cemetery Gate - isn't it Fab ??!! 
I coloured it digitally.
The main paper I used is from Paper Pad Challange, where you can get the most awesome papers FREE. The sentiment tags I made myself using quotes from POE.

Bat on a stick anyone ???!!!  
This is my second little offering. I made him by cutting circles of black card and sticking them together and added some wings and a bat face from Smeared Ink's 'A Little Bit Batty' set. I'm sure he'd be really tasty with a little garlic sauce. :-D

I do hope you are enjoying our marathon 31 Days Hop. If you need the list to go see all the amazingly awesome creations the other Peeps are making it's here----------------------------------------------->>>
Do go and look because there are some prizes that can be won along the way :-D


  1. WOWZA!!! this is STUNNING! I was just taught a double z fold but it is nothing like this...this looks more like an "X" and very involved. Oh what a wonderful centerpiece this would be :)
    Someday, perhaps you could make a TUT on this.
    Really wonderful!

  2. Holy cow, this is flippin' amazing!!!!! I love the cemetary gate and those giant crows are awesome! Will have to check out that paper company. I agree with Susan, we need a tut! love love love this!
    Cute little bat on a stick too, fun project :)

  3. Well, I KNEW you were creative, but this card sends you to the top of my list of creative creatures. Unbelievable. Absolutely well done.

  4. LOL Bat on a stick! so cute! I am loving your Z fold cemetery! And yes the new cemetery stamps you used do look killer cool! You are just amazing!

  5. holy cutting woman! very cool!!

  6. Love both of these awesome work
    Luv Jane xxx

  7. Oh my word, this is astounding! So, so detailed!

  8. Your bat on a stick is cute, cute but I think the X or Z card or whatever it is is awesome. I also would be interested in a tutorial but I can clearly see you've brought more to the table than a template. Your design work is stunning!

  9. Wow Ike, the bat lollipop is sweet but that "Z/X fold" card is outta this world. Beautiful

  10. Holy CRAP! This fabulousness leaves me speechless! Well, not quite. LOL Please a tut for this card! At least the fold, I know I couldn't match the design. Spootackular! Love the bat on a stick too. Pass the barbeque sauce. xxD

  11. Ike... I am very impressed with your Z Fold Card!!! Wow... I bet that took some real patience to do!!! I love that new digi set and will need to be getting me that one soon!!! I love your bat on a stick!!! What cool prop for Halloween!!! I can see it sticking out of a vase of Black Roses with glittery tips!! Hmmm... now that sounds like a new project to me!!! LOL!

  12. OMG, IKE!!! This is AMAZING! WOW! Totally mind-blowing!

    Lady B

  13. That card is flippin' amazing! And that bat on a stick is so cool! Great work!

  14. wow, awesome, It's been said, but saying it again, wow. awesome! I MIGHT be able to manage bat on a stick, but it's the bat....


  15. Absolutely gorgeous, very effective just brilliant xx

  16. IKE! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!!! I can't even wrap my head around it, it's too damn amazing. I LOVE the crows, your use of the cemetary gate...everything. No, really...everythng about this! Love your batty pop too! Great idea.

  17. dude that card is BADASS!!!! i'm so impressed! the colors, the images, the constrution, everything amazing! and the bat on a stick is cute!

  18. Wow Ike.... that double Z fold.... where did you get the ravens....please? I love them!
    Adore the bat on a stick.... you're crazy...i love that about you!
    xxx lynx

  19. WOW!!! what an amazing card, do you have a template for that?........Stunning! :)
