Tuesday 27 September 2011

ZETTI ????

Good Morning Peeps,
Well, today I have something completely different for you - over at Smudgy Antics our challenge this week is to create a 'Zetti' inspired project. Zetti ??? I hear you say... and so did I.... who/what the hell is Zetti ??? Well I looked and all I could find was a footballer !!!  Eventually a friend sent me a link and I was away :-D  It's a little different, but not unlike my early 'wierd' stuff that I was doing in art college back in the 70's !!!!
Anyways, here's my offering:

Papers - Crafty Chaos.... Halloween Howlers + Halloween Bride
Images - Smeared Ink Gargoyle Set 'Sheba' with my cat's head on it  hahahaha , Calypso the rat, A little Bit Batty Set. 
Gothic Door from iTkUpilLLi.
Zetti Bird - Pringle Hill Studio
Legs from Google.
Girl image is my own digi with head cut from magazine.
Zetti letters made on music paper by me in my graphics programme.

If you need help with this one, be sure to ask or do an online search because we know many of you may not have heard of this style before. We hope you have fun with it! Also, don't forget your entries should have at least 1 Smeared Ink image included.


  1. just love this all the elements work beautifully great design love cherylxx

  2. This is awesome! I've done some of this kind of thing, but I didn't know that it had a specific name, haha.:) I love all of the little things you've included.

  3. Kristina said...
    Hi there, I saw your project at the Smudgy Antics challenge blog, and I just wanted to let you know the I really like it. You did a fab job on it. I personally am looking fwd to this challenge BC I have never heard of a Zetti before now. Thanks for the inspiration.
