Monday 12 September 2011


Well, Happy Monday morning lovely Peeps,

This week on Smudgy Antics our Challenge theme is PAINT, and the Prize is this totally awesome digi 'Aphrodite'. She is the Greek goddess of love, beauty and sexuality. Her Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus.
According to Hesiod's Theogony, she was born when Cronus cut off Uranus' genitals and threw them into the sea, and from the sea foam (aphros) arose Aphrodite.
Aphrodite is also known as Cytherea (Lady of Cythera) and Cypris (Lady of Cyprus) after the two cult-sites, Cythera and Cyprus, which claimed her birth. Myrtles, doves, sparrows, horses, and swans are sacred to her. 
So, there you have a little potted history and here she is.. al la Smeared Ink.

My entry this week as part of the Smeared Ink Design Team, is made from a shadow box type card. I painted it in black and deep red and then sprinkled it with red glitter. I then varnished the whole thing. I added some fibres and some brown gauzy material before adding my images. Inside I used the Grumpie that I got as part of the thank you pack from 'A Card for Ryan'. I printed him 4 times and then decoupaged him to make him 3D. He was coloured with Copics :-D  He was placed upon my last piece of wax resist technique card that I made - having been inspired by Steph's challenge over at Smeared & Smudged Forum in July.  There's some new Challenges there now for September so why not pop in and join us there :-)
On the outside I have used 'Cracked Heart' from the Heart Wings set by Smeared Ink., which I coloured digitally, and have placed one of my precious orchids that I bought in town last week (very expensive but totally gorgeous !!) and there we go ! My paint job came out a little 'browny'  but I was quite pleased with the end result.
Anyways, I'm waffling on now, so I will let you all go and create. ! Byeeee xxxxx

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