Friday 16 September 2011


This week at Haunted Design House, the theme is "The 7 Deadly Sins" and for those of you who don't know, they would be:
Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy,
and Gluttony
You are to create a dark, Gothic, or Halloween-based art piece that uses or includes the Seven Deadly Sins as inspiration. There's seven to choose from so there has to be one that strikes your fancy!
For my creation I have chosen "Pride/Vanity". I have used 'Von Bayros 2' from Smeared Ink as my main image and I have left it exactly as is, because I wanted to go with the black and white theme. It is actually entitled 'Monkey Around' but the lady is looking vainly into a mirror, so I think it works. I have put some pleated black paper along the bottom and a black doily over which I have placed my embellishment. I made it with some white netting, feathers from my chickens (NO, I didn't rush out and pluck some, they've been in moult for a while now so I have been collecting them !!) I teamed these with a lovely black felt flower I got the other day from town, one of my new stick pins from JBS and a smidge of black ribbon from my stash.



  1. Gorgeous! I love the feathers! I have a friend who saves her feathers for me, but I forget to use them!
    Fabulous card! Thanks for playing!!

  2. Very very fancy and wonderful x

  3. Ooooh, I luurrvvee this one! How did your hatching go? We have some in the incubator just now, and one of them was fertile but has stopped growing, hubby mentioned using the contents on a gruesome project, but I think undeveloped chicken foetus as craft stash is just a step too far for me. I'm a Minion, not a Monster :P Love the feathers though, they look much better in black and white than they do in the traditional red-brown that ours have. I still collect them anyway though, you just never know when you'll need them, right?

  4. Love this! Has a fabulously decadent feel. Thanks for joining the Minions this week. xxD
