Sunday 10 July 2011


Hello Dark Side Peeps,

This week on Haunted Design House , the Challenge is to use something looooooooooong so I have invented  Long, Tall, Latex Lovin', Sally  with her loooooong, barbed, cat-o-nine-tails. She is on a loooooong DL card and has some appropriate backing paper (snort )and some looooong-ish barbed wire to decorate :-D  I'm going to make a little hook for her and use her as a door handle hanging....... like "Do Not Disturb"..... or more like "I Am Disturbed"..... hahahahahaha

Here's one a bit closer....

Anyways - catch you later xxxx


  1. Flippin' awesome! LOVE the background paper, but that chick is killer!!
    Thanks for joining us this week at HDH.

  2. oh just love this,that image is awesome and those papers are perfect love cheryl xxx

  3. OMG, she's FABULOUS! Wonder where I could get a suit like that? LOL Brilliant background paper. Thanks for joining the Minions this week at HDH. xxD

  4. Ooooh, this is wonderful! I was looking for a gimp mask image the other day but couldn't find one I liked, I should have remembered about your shop! Thanks for playing along with us at HDH again, I love seeing your dark side creations :D

  5. Very very fitting for the challenge, superb work x
