Sunday 17 April 2011


Hello Everyone,

Well, I've done it. I have set up my own Group at CRAFTERS DIGITAL ART CENTRE.
I would love it if you would come over and Join me to be one of my members. My Group is; 
This is all pretty new, so as yet I haven't got much going on, but it will be a place where I can offer FREEBIE digis, Challenges, Digi Stamp/Image showcase where you can get the link to buy them, or you can request a digi to be made for you for a specific project. The Shop is coming along nicely and I have about 30 in there just now. You can see them at .

There are lots of Groups at CDAC and masses of things to do within the Site. If you haven't been over there yet - you're missing out.

Hope to see you there soon :-D

Ike xx

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