Tuesday 3 July 2018


Hello Peeps,
I have just found news of some mystery parcels of crafting goodies being sold by Fiki :-D
She is trying to raise money for a Driving Licence. With her husband being in hospital recently, she realized how cut off she is by not being able to drive !!!    I know what it's like here for me if something happens to my car... I'm stuck halfway up the mountain and have to walk everywhere to get things !
Anyhoo - the mystery parcels sound fascinating so I have ordered one :-)
You can find the information on Fiki's Blog here:    https://badkittyscraftroom.blogspot.com/2018/05/mystery-box-destash-for-driving-licence.html

I have an update on my latest lot of Foster puppies too...............

I believe "puppies" was a bit of a misnomer !  Yes, OK they were 4 months old but I think their father was a Great Dane !  Huuuuuuuge feet on the boy doggo. :-(
Needless to say my garden 'pen' for them at night was waaaaay inadequate.
They were fine all day, content to lie sleeping on the patio or where ever I happened to be and were very sweet natured. However, once night fell they became a problem. They jumped out of the pen, jumped my railings around the garden and went off down to road to gate crash my neighbour's family gathering. ! He was banging on my door an 0130 hrs threatening (very loudly in Greek) to call the Police amongst other things. Unfortunately - having been chased out of his garden, the 'pups' legged it back to my place and so gave me away LoL
Having tried to secure them in the garden, they subsequently broke into the house through the cat flap and when I came down in the morning I was literally dodging huge piles of dog sh*te and they had peed on every rug I own :-(

They went back from whence they came the following day !!!   LoL

I'm all for helping out with dog rescues but NOT when they cause this much trouble. ! Let's hope next time they give me something smaller that I am equipped to deal with :-)

I've not got any cards to show you as it is rather to hot to work just now, so I'm hiding in the shade most of the time. I have a few commissions to do next week, so I'll tell you about them when I've done them.

Thanks for popping in xxx